That First Blog Post…

You Only [get to post] Your [first blog] Once! So make sure it’s one you’re proud of.

How hard can it be right? Let me tell you. I’ve been preparing for my first blog post for almost five years now, that’s how tough it is. Fortunately, I’ve finally gotten the courage to put pen to paper (well, in this case, finger to keyboard)!

Before I introduce myself, I wanted to give a quick shout out to Jayde! (Follow her magical Instagram feed here!-she has some amazing presets as well). She alone provided me probably 60% of the motivation I needed to just get started. For those of you who are in my shoes now or were here at some point in time, you know exactly what I mean. Starting your personal space is nerve-wrecking! It causes anxiety, and extra worry over something that should bring out happiness and creativity, derived from the passion that exists within you. So thank you to everyone who helped me, even if it was unintentional, to start something I am passionate about.

A couple years ago, all I wanted to do was travel the world, be completely absorbed and lost in wanderlust. Needless to stay, that want is now an innate need… to travel, meet new people, learn about their religion, culture, legends and myths, food, clothing, … everything! Growing up in the United States with the privileged lifestyle I have is a blessing, and the one goal that gives meaning to my life is to be able to embrace others around the world… and by being a part of their lives, understand how to improve this planet for the better.

This is my travel and lifestyle blog… so of course I should explain why I enjoy travelling:

  1. To expand my perspective… to open my mind, to develop a wider world view
  2. To get in touch with myself… there are only two occasions when I feel that I am 100% myself: (1) when I am with my husband, and (2) when I am travelling
  3. To appreciate my life… it’s so easy to lose sight of what we have already, exploring other places gives me insight on what is really special about my home
  4. To learn… everyone can read a textbook, but being able to experience it firsthand gives a deeper sense of satisfaction
  5. To challenge myself and have an adventure… I crave new experiences and travel allows for that, be it eating spicy chowmein on the streets of Suzhou or conversing in Barcelona with your rusty high school Spanish… everything about trying something new and exciting calls for a celebration. And it’s the kind of souvenir that you will take home with you and keep for a lifetime…

So here’s to starting a new adventure!



What do you think?